Sunday, January 24, 2010

“CatTails of Love” Pattern

Look at this, I’m posting on a Sunday afternoon, which is virtually unheard of from me!

Since so many have asked, this is just a quick post to let y’all know that I will be selling the pattern for this candle mat.

100_3347 I can’t take preorders for this quite yet because I’m behind on some orders for finished items and I’m still trying to catch up with the overwhelming response to the Scarecrow Jack pattern. I’m certainly not complaining about being too busy it’s just that I’m not sure how quickly I can get this done. Just check in once in a while and hopefully by the end of the week, I can start taking preorders for this.

This candle mat is actually inspired by our cat, Skittles. Or I should say the wool colors are inspired by her. She’s a nice mottled brown/black color. I look at her fur and think about how nicely that color would look in a hand-dyed wool. Anyway, the herringbone tweed that I used for the cats in the mat are a close match.

Here’s our Skittz …


She likes to lay out on the upstairs banister …

she has extra large feet that are like paddles and she hits us with them. When she’s laying like this on the banister, this is her look that says, “I”m going to take a swat at her head as she walks back downstairs”. She hits me quite often . She doesn’t do this to any other family members, just me. I guess I’m the swattable type.


She’s not real happy with me right now … I think I’m going to quit taking pictures.

Anyway, we adore this cat. She’s been around so long we’ve completely lost track of how old she is. We figure that she’s between 15 – 17 years old? That’s pretty old for a cat but she’s still as frisky …and annoying as ever.

In other good news … There’s now a beautiful shop in Gilmanton, New Hampshire that is now carrying all of my patterns. Patti Bradley, the owner of Badger Brook Farm has a full selection of her own beautifully hand-dyed wools as well as threads, other penny rug and needlepunch designs. She’ll be selling kits to go along with my patterns too so if you happen to live in that area, stop by her shop. I’m thrilled that she discovered me.

Things are going well and I’m feeling really blessed.

Thank you to all my terrific readers and customers. Y’all are so greatly appreciated. So much appreciated that I’m getting a nice giveaway ready. Keep watch in a few days for that. :)

Happy Football day everyone!


  1. Congratulations! I wish you all the success in the world, and your cat is totally adorable!

  2. Glad you have a retail outlet for your patterns - they're so good. Love you old kitty - cute pic of her mad at you!

  3. Love the cat! Congrats on your patterns! You have the best stuff! This really is my favorite of your candle mats!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Cathy, another outstanding creative design! I just got the scarecrow pattern and now I'll have to get the cat. Keep'em coming!

    Ebay Ginger

    cute kitty too! Can she inspire you to create more cat designs? I love cats.

  5. Your creativity is amazing Cathy! I will be ordering the scarecrow pattern as soon as I master Love Ewe.
    How exciting that you have a distributor for your patterns...and kits too!! So fun.

  6. OMG! That kitty is a riot! I've never lived with a cat so it totally amazes me that he just lays there on the banister without keeling over, LOL!
    I am kitting the scarecrow in wool felt (might do felted wool in the fall...but I do like the affordability of felt, so I'm still mulling that over.) I did want to tell you that I was just talking about you to a LQS owner and your post reminded me that I had to send her a link to you; I'm hoping she'll love your work as much as I do.
    I love reading about the good things coming your way. You so deserve them! B=)

  7. How cute! You have made a candle mat after Skittles! I love it! I love the story of how she swats at you. She knows she can get away with it! Just like a child- Mom always gets the worst behavior, she is testing you! and having fun with it. Lol :o)

  8. Awww, Skitz is adorable! I hope she has many of her 9 lives left.

    Love your new pattern too! So cute!
