Friday, May 14, 2010

New Pattern Kits Are Mailed!

I don’t have much time, but I wanted to quickly let everyone know that the orders for the “Clay Pot Pansies” Pattern were mailed out yesterday and the wool kits, which include the pattern, will be mailed out by 8:30am this  morning. 

Thank you all for such a HUGE response. 


I managed to have just enough of the hand-dyed wool to fill all the orders.  I’ll have to get out the dye pots tomorrow to dye up more for the mail orders and any other orders that come in. 

So many thanks to Jen, who went way out of her way to help me get these kits ready. She measured and she cut again and again, saving me an incredible amount of what little extra time I have.  Honestly, without her help with the unexpected, large response for these kits, I just wouldn’t have been able to do it.

For those of you who haven’t ordered this yet, and wish to, please order it before the end of tomorrow night. The pattern and/or kit are at a special preorder price right now.  Starting Sunday, the prices will go up to the regular price of $9.50 for the pattern and $42 for the kit. 

The wool kit includes the pattern, and all of the wool that is needed (including the backing) to make the “Clay Pot Pansies” Candle Mat.  It doesn’t include the threads this time and I do suggest using #8 pearle cotton thread for this but the DMC embroidery FLOSS, which is much easier to find, will work just fine too.

Click on the Paypal button up there at the left of this post to purchase either just the pattern or the pattern w/wool kit.

If you wish to pay by check just email me at and I’ll send you my mailing address.

Thanks all!

Strawberries are next!!!

Happy Day!


  1. It looks beautiful - I can only get one right now - so I am holding out for the strawberries!!! Do I need to preorder? :O) Will you be doing a kit for the strawberries? :O) Thanks! Bari (

  2. I just love this pattern and kit Cathy, but am unable to order at this time. It is so beautiful! You do amazing work. I am working on the two I have ordered from you.
