Monday, November 25, 2013

Staying Home Instead Of Joining The Shopping Frenzy?
 Festive Snowmen Pattern as well as all of my other patterns will be on sale this weekend. Sale starts at midnight Friday (eastern standard time)

I personally believe that the whole Black Friday craziness has gotten out of control.  It used to be one day of fun.  We didn't know what would be on sale until Thanksgiving Day, when we opened the newspaper full of store ads.
Now, I don't even bother to look at the ads ... I just don't want to be part of the crazy shopping frenzy.
I remember in my teen years, our local Kmart, which was long before Walmart or Target even existed, had a midnight madness sale on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  That was long before that day was called "Black Friday" too.
So, my mom and sister would go to the Kmart and just hang out, waiting for the flashing Blue Light Specials.  A big crowd of mostly females would stand around, anxiously waiting for the Blue Light on the pole with wheels to light up and give us an amazing bargain. 
This went on, late into the night...probably until midnight. It was so much fun.  I still use a pretty Christmas tablecloth with napkins that I bought way back then during one of the Blue Light Specials. 
Kmart should bring that Blue Light Special idea back. 
So, if you're like me and prefer to stay home on Black Friday, why not join me on my website and do a little bargain shopping!
This will be my 3rd annual Black Friday/Weekend sale.   I won't tell you what the sales will be until Thanksgiving day.  I want this to be a surprise.  I will give some hints though.
Pattern sale.
And I'm going to try something new to see how sales go.
I will offer some designs that I'm calling "Sew Easy, Sew Quick, Sew Pretty".  The offerings will be already cut and ready to stitch.  I'll give more info and some sneak peak pictures in my newsletter, which hopefully will go out later this afternoon.
So come back on Thanksgiving day to find out what my Black Friday and Weekend sales will be!
The sale will start at 12 am (eastern standard time) Friday.  My website: 

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