Typically, I don’t write about either of my daughters on here.
Mostly it’s because they read this-like-every single day and would KILL me if I told any of their dirty secrets.
Today though, I feel that I have to write just a bit about Rach simply because this morning, she made me laugh.
Rachel, upstairs and still in bed sent me this text …

I know you won’t understand what the heck she’s talking about but the only thing you really need to understand is that she was considerate enough to text me while half asleep to let me know that I needn’t worry any longer about her composite toes.
Ok, I guess you should know more to understand better.
Let’s quickly go over this and please know that this will probably be the last time I will ever write anything ever again because Rach will find a way to kill me for this … and probably in some crafty, stealth way so that she would never be suspected.
Rach, now that she a college grad, was employed full-time by a quartz manufacturer. Yes, she represented quartz. And a fine one she was too!
She could probably convince a cement contractor to switch to quartz.
But to know Rachel is to know that her bubbly personality was wasted on quartz countertops. I know she really REALLY wanted to go back to working at the PITTSBURGH ZOO, which for her, was a perfect fit for her personality, but …well, she doesn’t allow me to talk about that or to ever mention the PITTSBURGH ZOO in my blog ever again because of search engines. whoops. :) (hello zoo …she loved her time there with you!)
Anyway, an opportunity came knocking at her door a couple weeks ago . Even though she enjoyed her quartz job, adored her boss and the people that she worked with, she thought perhaps she should consider a career move. With great regret she turned in her resignation.
Now, I’m not exactly sure what this new job entails, but it’s higher pay, less traveling, better hours AND it has nothing to do with quartz, which ultimately will save ME money because Rachel was ready to use my credit card to get quartz installed throughout my house, which might or might not include a quartz covered outdoor patio set and a fluorescent green quartz countertop in the bathroom.
What I do know about this new job is that she needs to wear steel toed shoes.
Rachel, being Rachel, the lover and massive shoe collector, is not into the big heavy steel toed boots that most think of when thinking steel toes.
She wants something cute for her feet. Finding something “cute” and stylish in a steel toe is virtually impossible.
Rach and I went on the cute stylish steel toe hunt yesterday.
Naturally, we started at our local Red Wing store, which has been there for probably 100 years and whose owner’s age is somewhere close to that same number. He was precious but had very little selection for the female foot. She felt bad when we left him without a sale.
After doing some internet research at home, we found a shoe store about 30 miles up north which offered some decent looking sneaker type steel toes.
She found a pair that look fashionable enough to pass but they weren’t “Steel” toes. They were composite plastic toed shoes.
The sales lady told us that composite toes were lighter weight but held up to the same standards as the steel. And then trying to make the sale said, “your boss would never know by looking at them”, insinuating that it’s ok to lie to the new boss.
Rach, being Rach, the perfect employee, was hesitant because the future boss specifically said “steel”.
She put a call in to her boss, left a message and bought the shoes with the intention of returning them if the boss told her only steel.
So apparently, the boss woke her up this morning to let her know that composite was fine. Rach, being Rach, the sweet considerate daughter, texted me from her bed to let me know that all is well in Rachel land.
I’d show a picture of the beloved stylish composite toed shoes, but they’re upstairs in her room. Since she’s enjoying her little vacation time between jobs and still sleeping at 11:30 am, I will resist the temptation to sneak a picture.
I will show the cute purse she bought from a little stand outside the shoe store …

Going anywhere with Rachel always brings some type of entertainment or funny event. The purse purchase provided us with some funny moments but I’ve kept you reading long enough so I won’t tell that story.
I’m so glad that our steel toe shoe shopping is complete. As much fun as Rach is to shop with, I certainly wasn’t looking forward to more shoe shopping.
Oh, and no Carol, we didn’t buy a new lawn tractor. Jimmy, being Jimmy who can fix virtually anything, spent all day Saturday getting the tractor back to working condition.
Happy Day everyone!