I've recovered quite nicely from the Sunday move-out from the dorm day. Rachel's boyfriend was a sweetheart and stayed to help us, which was an enormous help.
I think Rachel had this worked out quite nicely though. She had us go down, load up the truck with her stuff and sent us on our way home; without her. Now, for her this is wonderful, because she doesn't have to UNLOAD the truck. Finding places to store her things until August is the most difficult part of the entire move. I could/should just unload the things into the living room and wait for her to put it all away when she comes home on Thursday, but that would mean I'd have to live with that mess until then. So yes, mom carries all the things upstairs and stores everything nicely on the sunporch which is right off of her bedroom.
It's all ok though, because Rach is coming home on Thursday!!
She texted me once we got home and said that she can't wait to get home so that she can finally do nothing but relax on the couch.
For me, that was wonderful to hear because I know how much she loves her college life and I know she's going to miss the boyfriend so I didn't think she was going to be really happy to be home.
Rachel is coming home on Thursday!
Ok, so now to the entire theme of this posting ,which is :
I decided that every once in a while, I'm going to make a post that is devoted to my complaints. You know, those everyday little things that you try not to let bother you but the more you think about it, the more peeved you get? I think actually writing out the complaint, getting sympathy and understanding from my fellow bloggers should help the peevement immensely. (Yes, peevement is not a word but until I think of a better descriptive word, it will stay.)
Here's my complaint:
Early in the morning on nice days, I would sit on the side porch swing with my cup of coffee and just enjoy nature. We had such a nice view from there with a gently sloping hill and our pine trees which lined the one border of our property.
But then, a few months ago a storm came through. One large tree fell and took most of the other pine trees with it, leaving us with this view:

It's awful. The trees hid that view, they muffled the sounds and they kept the neighbors trash from blowing up onto our property. Let's go take a closer look at this to see what's down there....

Are those garbage bags laying at the side of the house? Well looky there, yes they are!
Ugh ... when we bought our house 30 years ago, the neighbors were an elderly couple and their house was like a cute little cottage. When they both passed away, the house was inherited by .... well that's a long story, but basically, the people who live in the house now, don't seem to care about property values.
So that's my complaint.
We will be installing fencing along the border, but it's just not going to be the same.
What a shame.
Do you have a complaint? Now's the perfect time to get it out!
Complaint Department is now opened!