My 19 year old daughter requested, no wait, she demanded, that we put up an Easter tree this year. Away at college, she expects it to be up and decorated when she comes home for Easter. Well, Rach, I know you will read this, so let me tell you, your father, even though he has a cold and wasn't feeling well, went out and cut a large tree branch for you. Then he pounded a tube into the ground on the front lawn and inserted the tree branch JUST FOR YOU! He bought fishing line and he tied that fishing line to each and every one of those eggs. Then he opened up paper clips to use for hangers and attached one to each egg. Rach, your daddy loves you a lot.
Click on the picture to see it large!
So K and Jen stopped over for a visit and dinner yesterday. K was instantly attracted to the Easter tree so PapPap showed him how to hang even more eggs on the tree. Unfortunately, I was so busy getting cute, closeup pictures of K, I forgot to get a picture of the whole decorated tree!

I took some time to cut and dye more pansy petals....enough to make three more pin cushions. I Ebay listed the butter yellow and the blueberry blue pin cushions yesterday, so I must get more ready to list once they sell.
Wool has overtaken the house, so I think today has to be the day to do some clean-up/organizing.
What a cute grandson Cathy and I've always wondered how to do a Easter tree, I always thought the tree had to be already there:)
Cathy, Thanks for stopping be my blog, how funny the things that we have in common! Your grandson is adorable, love your mats, I'll have to read more during "recovery"!
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