yesterday for a Giant Eagle $15 grocery credit. For those of you who don't know what Giant Eagle is, it's a large chain grocery store in our area.
Anyway, go to that linked site,
watch the video, then type in your advantage card number and you'll get a $15 credit put into your advantage card account. So for your next 3 visits/purchases, you will get $5 off your total.
It's a terrific offer, but ... it's so new that most of the check-out clerks don't know about it yet, so if you don't get the $ off your total, make sure to ask about it. My clerk yesterday had to get the manager over to show her how to get it added in.

I'll add the coneflowers and stars today, hopefully. Rachel, my biggest helpful critic, isn't happy with the design, "mom, flowers don't grow out of watermelons". I always listen to her critiques and most of the time I find it helpful, but in this case, YES, flowers will be growing out of watermelons. :)
We like watermelon here at the Wagner home, but my family is spoiled. If I buy watermelon, it will stay in the fridge, uneaten until it rots unless I cut it up. Once it's cut, with the rind off, it gets devoured. I have to do that with grapes too ... I wash them and pulled them off the stem. If the bowl of grapes is sitting out on the counter, they are usually gone by the end of the day.
Yes, indeed, my family is a bit spoiled. I wish I had someone to do that for me!
I'm off to go fetch the grandson. He will be visiting us today so that Jen can get some free time to herself.
Happy day everyone!
Thanks for the link...I did it yesterday and so did my son Chris while he was here, we all shop at the Belle Vernon Giant Eagle!
Love the watermelon candle mat, I'm with you flowers can grow out of watermelons:)
Thanks for the link. As a matter of fact, I got groceries on Sat. and the clerk asked me if I'd signed up online. I thought I had but nothing came off my bill so I went back on yesterday and re-registered. We'll see what happens when I go next time. I'll try to remember to watch for my $5 :)
Love the watermelons. I had to smile when I read what you had to do for your family because I have to do the same thing...LOL
Love Love Love the watermelons!!!
Hugs, Lisa
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