Laying the penny rug on the floor by the fireplace, I started snapping. I have green carpeting so the contast of the browns with the green looks nice. I laid out the Pumpkin Penny Rug too just to get some extra pictures of it before it get sent away to it's new home ... the drawing for its giveaway is tomorrow folks, so if you haven't entered, go HERE to comment and to be entered into the giveaway.

Being the ham that he is, loves to have his picture taken so naturally, when I told him the picture didn't turn out ... too blurred, he offered to tumble again .....

so that I could get as many pictures of his great feat as I needed. (He said "cheese" each and every time he somersaulted too). Roughly guessing, I'd say those mats were somersaulted on about a dozen times.
As I'm getting ready to type this, I remembered something from a rughooking book that I have about good luck somersaults on finished hooked rugs. So I went for the book and looked it up ...
How perfect ..... ! !
From Gene Shepards book " Prodded Hooking for a Three-Dimensional Effect"
"It was the normal goal for the family to have a new mat made by Christmas. Such a mat, perfect and clean, was displayed in a place of honor in ritualistic fashion. Once positioned, the youngest child in the family was asked to do a forward somersault on the rug in order to ensure good luck for the house during the coming year. The spot usually chosen for the new rug was in front of the fireplace, at the heart of the home."

This is always how I start my ideas. I roughly draw it out on freezer paper and then make a pattern from that drawing, making corrections and adjustments in the design as needed.
Here's one that's almost finished. I have to say though, I'm not real happy with this one and will make corrections before it's turned into a shelf pillow. That crow is not good. He looks too cute and friendly. He needs to be nastier looking.
I really, REALLY, REALLY do not like crows.
We live out in the country and the crows, roosting in the nests in the woods are obnoxious, loud and annoying. I realize that crows are a very important part of primitive decorating, so I force myself, once in a while, to include a crow in my designs. When I make a crow though, I refuse to make it to look cute and friendly.

I really, REALLY, REALLY do not like crows.
We live out in the country and the crows, roosting in the nests in the woods are obnoxious, loud and annoying. I realize that crows are a very important part of primitive decorating, so I force myself, once in a while, to include a crow in my designs. When I make a crow though, I refuse to make it to look cute and friendly.
Oddly, as I'm typing this, I'm not hearing them outside, which is really unusual.
So this crow will be redone and he'll be nasty. :)
Happy Day everyone! Drawing for the Pumpkin Penny Rug Giveaway is tomorrow! I'm so excited!
I think your grandson has hit on a new marketing tool for helping to sell your penny rugs! You'll have to ask him to somersault on every one that you make from now on! LOL
Hahahaha! I had to laugh about your crow comments. They are really loud, aren't they?
Your new design looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product.
And that is so neat reading the history you posted about doing a somersasult over new rugs! And what a little cutie-patootie to do the somersault for you!
Your grandson is so cute. I will definitely be wanting one of those shelf pillows. I'll stay tuned.
my mom loves crows. sorry this is so sloppy my niece Cupcake is "helping" me type.
I love your crows and pumpkins!
Perfect.. luck is something we all need..:o))
Love your new little crow/pumpkin design.. :o)
Your grandson is a cutie pie! The pumpkin and crow design is coming along so nicely. I'm with you on the crows we live in the country, too and the crows sure are bothersome.
I am starting to love crows more and more.. at first I didn't care much for them, but the more I see of them in prim decor, the more I love them! Beautiful rug - you are so very talented!
I agree..crows are so loud..
I think it is so interesting to show how you draw it out first..very interesting. Dianntha
Oh, I love all you things. And the story you shared was great!
Great story! How cute your grandson is! I have been trying and trying to teach my grandchildren to somersault (at least the three oldest) They are not quite getting it yet.
your grandson's so cute! hope he didn't get too hooked to somersaulting over the pumpkin penny rug or he'll miss it when the draw's done.
the crow on the pumpkin's quite cute but i don't think it'll be so kind to bring a flower... LOL
your grandson is so cute! love the crows, I love your work, thanks for showing the pic of your sketch and then showing your work in progress. very inspiring. thanks
peggy lee
Just love the new design. I think your crow is adorable. Maybe make one pattern with a nasty crow and one with a sweet crow!
I love your new design and the one you did for the contest. I do not find the best of sales on ebay for penny rugs. I hope yours does well.
I like the pumpkins and crows! This is the first year in several years where I've seen crows around here. I can't say that I missed them. :)
Your grandson is adorable! And your pumpkins and crows are just beautiful, cant wait to see it finished!
Your designs are amazing...
I really like your blog...
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