The pattern is still available until the end of today for $8.00 including the shipping. Tomorrow the price will go up to the regular price of $9.50.
December 1st is tomorrow! Wow, where did November go?
Yes, it's an advent calendar. When Linda gave it to Jen back then, when Jen was only 4 years old, Linda had tied candies. Every year after that for ... I dunno ... 10 years or so, I tied candies on it and Jen would stand in front of it each and every night throughout December, reciting the verse, ringing the bell at the bottom and then getting her treat.
Linda, if you're reading this ... thank you for doing this oh so long ago. Benny and Linda are our most favorite neighbors (wink, wink)
Soooooooo, Thanksgiving day here at the Wagner home was ....
sorry, but it was a heck of a lot of work!
But it was all worth it because my sister, the ever popular anonymous blog commenter (Casserole Carol), and her family were here, along with my brother, Michael and his family. We don't get together often so the times that we do are so nice that the work involved with getting ready for it is all forgotten.
Naturally, the conversation turned to comments about my blog. The clear message that I got from everyone in the room that reads the blog is that I need to get a picture of myself on here so that people can see what I look like.
I told them that I realize that my face on this blog should appear at least a few times, but no one ever takes my picture and I'm certainly not going to take a picture of myself!
Soooooooo at that point .......
Out came the cameras!
Here's a picture of me with my sister-in-law, Janet. I think we might be eating pumpkin pie here ....
Oh wait ....
Jen forgot to send me that picture. She remembered to put it on her facebook page so let's all go there to see it ....
Oh wait ....
we don't have Facebook, so we can't see it.
That's ok. Here's a picture of me sitting beside Carol. Steph took this one. Don't we look happy??
Oh wait. Stephanie didn't send me that picture yet. I think she forgot.
So .....
It's very clearly NOT MY FAULT that there are no pictures of me on my blog. :)
Sadly, Rachel went back to school on Saturday. Volleyball practice is important at this time of the year. Her team is leaving for the national playoffs in St. Paul, Minesota, tomorrow. Their first game is on Thursday and I wish we could go to watch because it's going to be some mighty good volleybal playing.
Any blog readers who live near St Paul and want to see some really good volleyball games, be sure to check out these tournaments. Look for #13 on the Cal U of Pa team and give her a hug for me. It would be really funny to have a blogger run up to Rachel to give a hug. If you can give her a hug while talking with a thick "Fargo" Minnesota accent ... you would absolutely make her day and mine ... joyous.
So Rachel will be on a mini vacation ... being treated well by the NCAA, shopping in the Mall of America and making great memories with her volleyball "family". She's one lucky girl ... but I really really miss her .. a lot.
Ok, I'm going to get my sewing things back into the dining room now so that I can get back to doing what makes me happy.
Have a happy day everyone!
The Advent Cross-stitch is adorable, and the memories you have are wonderful, thanks for sharing.
The cross stitch is so nice, what wonderful memories. Funny about the pics. Glad that you had a great holiday!
Too funny about your picture! I do not like to have pics made of me either! LOL!
So glad that you got to spend Thanksgiving with family.
Love the little advent calendar. I'm sure your daughter will enjoy having her kids make memories with it.
Have a great week!
Love the cross-stitched advent calendar and what sweet memories!
I don't live that far from St. Paul, but won't able to see Rachel play volleyball. By the way love her first name as it is my maiden name!!
I understand how much you miss her; we just left Charleston where my daughter lives after visiting for the 5th Thanksgiving. It's too far away.
Have a great day Cathy! Can't wait to get home and see my awesome prize from you!
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