It measures 14” round and is shown made with 100% wools, but this can very easily be done with woolfelts too.
The pattern is being printed today so I’ll take pre-orders for it at the special price of $8.00 which includes shipping. Canadians and other international readers are welcome to order at this special price too with no additional shipping charges.
I should have this ready for mailing by Wednesday.
To order, just go to my Cath’s Pennies Designs Shoppe . If you don’t wish to pay by Paypal, I accept personal checks! Just email me at and I’ll send you payment instructions.
Note: (6/30/2011) This woman who was so kind and helpful way back when I worked for her, ripped me off for hundreds of dollars (over $500 worth of finished samples were sent to her and she never paid me for them)along with bounced check fees, when she originally shut down her business. I forgave and let it go because I felt sorry for her...she was struggling with family issues. When she went back into business last year, I felt sorry for her again. I sent her one of each of my patterns to get her started, free sample patterns and then sent her dozens of my patterns for her to sell kitted with her wool.
I told her to pay when she was able. But after a year, she's never paid and refuses to answer any emails. I've given her options ...told her to send me wool instead of money since she couldn't pay ... I've even told her I would accept $5 a month until her debt was paid, but no response.
I blame myself for foolishly trusting her ... only to have to steal from me again. I'm sad about it ... not angry. But, if she happens to read this ever ... Kipp Inglis Yost, of All Sewn Up, you've done me wrong. again. Do the right thing.
UPDATE (12-14-12) As of this date, Kipp Inglis Yost of All Sewn Up has still not paid the amount due from her invoices from August and September of 2010. I've been more than helpful and willing to accept anything in exchange for the monetary payment, but she has yet to make any kind of effort to pay her debt.
She's lied, she's hedged, she's made excuses and each time, I offer to work something out to help her with the payment and now there's silence. I've even offered to reimburse her for the shipping cost to mail the patterns back to me. She did say that she'd borrow money for the postage to mail them back, but that shipment day has come and gone.
Kipp Inglis Yost of All Sewn Up, used me, took advantage of me and still to this day, shows all of the samples that I made for her in her vendor booth at quilt shows.
I am wiser now because of her. My only hope now is that she loses business because of this post.
Kipp Inglis Yost, "All Sewn Up" She's a thief.
UPDATE (12-13-15) Kipp Inglis Yost of All Sewn Up
Her Facebook page:
Please don't do any kind of business with this woman. I know I will never receive her payment that she owes me, I don't want her to steal from anyone else.
Kipp Inglis is not to be trusted.
Kipp Inglis, if you read this, and you've decided to do the right thing, just email me at cathspennies@gmail. com .
That’s all for now! We’re getting more snow today! Yay! :)
Happy Day everyone!
It turned out great! Bring on Spring!!
Cath - OMG we have talked about similaritis in our lives before but I am beginning to this we are kindred spirits. I too was mentored by a women that has become one of my closet friend. Jackie Bennett Apessos called me on the telephone one day after I had been ordering her patterns and stitching her wonderful creations. AI almost died when I saw her name on the caller ID. I started making models for her at her request exactly the way you did shipping back and forth lol. She convined me that I had something and told me you need to do patterns. I said no way.....I showed her something that I had designed and she ordered the I had no choice I had to make it. That was the beginning. Funny huh. PS I would love to carry your patterns in my quilt shows too!!
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