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My mom passed away back in 1990 but I have a few great things of hers that remind me of her.
Vintage indeed, this jewelry box belonged to her. It's a Sarah Coventry Jewelry box and there's a special story that goes along with this.
Does anyone remember Sarah Coventry parties? I don't even know if it's still in existence, but they used to be like Tupperware parties only with jewelry.

My own daughters , when they were younger, have at times, opened up the jewelry box and played with some of the contents.
The box had a certain particular smell ... not a bad smell but a distinctive scent that was contained in and wafted out as the box or drawer was opened.
It's something that I've always associated with my mom and my childhood.
This jewelry box sits on my nightstand beside my bed. It still has that familiar scent in it.

I still use this cookbook for basic recipes for pies and cakes and many other things.

My mom made the best turkey stuffing and she didn't add any seasonings to it other than salt and pepper?
My stuffing will never be as good as her stuffing was.
Ahh, the good memories of mom!
Thanks for hostessing Vintage Thingies Thursday, Suzanne!
Visit Coloradolady for more Vintage Thursday thingies.
Your Vintage memories of your mother are very heartwarming. I love how she wrote notes in your cookbook, so wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful memories you have that go along with some wonderful keepsakes. The little notes in the cookbook is very special and I'm sure it's a delight to open up those pages.
Isn't it sweet to have something this intimate of your mom's. I have my mother's too and love to go through it. And her cookbook too. We see what was important to them--caring for the family and jewelry!
What great things to have from your mom. Love the cookbook and the notes, what a treasure.
Have a great VTT!
That looks like the Betty Crocker cookbook I have. Mine looks dirty and well worn, but I actually didn't use it very much.
Oh, what precious memories you have! Fun to peek in on the jewelry box!
I have a jewelry box similar to your mother's that belonged to my mother, who passed away in 2006. It has her clip-on earrings and other jewelry that I can remember buying for her for Christmas or birthday gifts. Yes, I remember Sarah Coventry parties and I use to go with my mother to them. I know what you mean about the "smell" of the jewelry box and her Tangee lipstick and her face powder. :)
I write notes in my cookbooks and I hope someday my son will sit down and look at them and think of me.
Thanks for sharing your "walk down memory lane"!
Ohh what wonderful memories you have there :)
I have a cookbook just like that, and I have some recipes from both my grams' they wrote notes on them too! I cherish them!
Thanks for sharing, have a happy weekend.
I have a heart shaped box that was my mom's in it is a wristwatch that she must of had when she was young, also a little sachet with her initial on it that I bought her I think during the 70's. Whenever I open it up it has that smell and mom is once again there with me.
Thanks for the memories:)
Your Mom's jewelry box is just wonderful! and just chock full of wonderful vintage treasures! I also have wondered how my Mom wore clip on earrings-but having tried to wear a pair she gave me, I immediately understoodd why actresses in old movies always took their earrings off when talking on the phone!
Great Mom notes in your cookbook...I also make my stuffing with just salt and pepper :)
Great memories - and the little helpful hints in the cookbook - great!
Your treasures are priceless. Glad you have them to share with us. I am aware of all those items.
I love this post! That cookbook must be priceless to you, with all of those notes that your Mom wrote inside it. It's so funny that you discovered the secret to your Mom's stuffing! My Mom always made the best stuffing, and she has given me her recipe, but it just doesn't taste the same. I think she's holding out on me!
Oh Cathy! I love these!! My mom had a jewelry box like that and we framed a recipe on a scrap of paper my grandmother wrote! You never think seeing someones handwriting would be so wonderful!!! I just love this! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
How wonderful to open your cookbook and to see those wonderful additions your mother made for you. How sweet and thoughtful of her.
Happy VTT abd I hope your weekend is a lovely one..
some lovely treasures to remind you of your dear mum :)..i agree those clip on earrings must have been a real pain lol!
what a lovely post and the precious treasures! and the cookbook with your mom's handwritten notes are awesome.. and something to be remembered..
It is so nice that you have some keepsakes from your mom. My mom wrote in her cookbook too...same kind of writing...they all had to learn to write nicely...what happened?
I remember Sarah Coventry parties. Never won a nifty jewel box like that though. I know what you mean about a smell reminding you of your mom. My grandma's button box was the same way.
I have that same cookbook in that same condition!
I tore apart old necklaces and earrings that were my grandmothers and made pins for each of my cousins out of them....another thought!
I know that smell. I just brought home things from my great grandparents' home and it too has "that smell."
Comforting it is.
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