I've used/tried out the juicer but found it to be cumbersome. It's easier and less cleanup to just squeeze the juice by hand, but I guess if you had a lot of fruit that needed squeezing, it becomes handier. The juicer is one of those things that I have laying around in my sewing room. It probably should be packed away ... or given away, because I have no use for it, but for now, it's going back up on the shelf in my sewing room.
But basically, the reason I even found out about Vintage Thursday was because of the Juicer picture.

My next vintage treasure is kinda odd. It has sentimental value and a great story to go with it if nothing else.
Yes, it's a shovel. It's a really old shovel. It's at least 75 years old but it really looks almost brand new because it was so well cared for. It's shiney and the blade edge is so sharp on it, I'm sure it could cut like a knife.
This shovel belonged to my husband's Aunt Ethel. She passed away a few years ago at the age of 93 and this shovel is what I requested to have from her estate.
Aunt Ethel was one of those types that had an absolutely spotless home. Of course, with a spotless house inside, she also had a spotless house outside, with weed-free flower and vegetable gardens. Her gardening tools were cleaned, oiled and shined after each use. I've never in my life seen anyone but her clean and polish a shovel after using. I remember the very first time I saw her do this and was just simply amazed and impressed.
So, when she died, I requested to have her shovel. I use to keep it in the dining room, but now, with the grandson, I didn't want him to get hurt with it so it's kept upstairs in our hallway.
When I see it, I'm reminded of Aunt Ethel and I smile. She was an exceptional woman ... very out-spoken and opinionated. She tended to be blunt; saying exactly what she thought which caused some people to be wary of her, but I always got along fine with her and really enjoyed her stories of the old days.
When she was alive, she gave me her old rolling pin, telling me that she knew I would appreciate it and take care of it. I did and I still do. I have it hanging on the wall in the dining room.
I think she'd be really happy with how well I'm taking care of her shovel and rolling pin.
God bless that woman. She is missed, especially during the holiday dinners. She certainly was a character.
Happy Vintage Thursday everyone!
My somewhat new shovel looks much worse than that because a couple of years ago I left it outside all summer. I didn't realize it would rust so fast.
wow, It is so cool that you have that juicer!! Have a blessed day, cher
I agree, it is easier to juice by hand but it was so much fun to use the juicer on the mixer....especially when it tickled your hand and you let go and the orange flew across the kitchen!!
The juicer is a find, especially the color.
I'm so happy your aunt's treasures found a loving home, where they are cared for and appreciated. Happy VTT and have a lovely and safe 4th.
Welcome to Vintage Thingies Thursday. I am thrilled you are here and posting about your vintage treasures.
I especially enjoyed the story of your Aunt Ethel. That shovel is just wonderful, you can tell it was well cared for over the years.
Have a wonderful VTT and a great holiday weekend.
I love the story about Aunt Ethel's shovel! Sometimes it's the strangest things that we would pick to remember someone by, isn't it? I've got my Grandpa's tape measure, and Grandma's apron and quilts, and my Dad's flannel shirts!
It's always nice to have a story to go along with a vintage item. How special for you to now own 2 things that belonged to relatives that you loved. :-) Sue
I love stories that tell about the lives of the people who used these vintage things.
A shovel was an important tool back in the days when people did more to maintain things. We have become such a "throw away" society that it seems odd to here that someone washed, dried and oiled a tool before they put it away. My great uncle always did thison his farm. That's how things lasted longer.
Thanks for a long forgotten memory.
What a great story about your Aunt Ethel. I wish I had time to properly care for my tools like she did. She grew up in an era of no waste. It is great to see that it paid off in that she had the same shovel forever. We could use a good lesson from her.
I love the juicer too. There is something about that green that reminds me of my grandma.
Glad you joined Vintage Thingy Thursday.
Oh Cathy I love it! You have all the parts!! I had one but not with all the parts and i didn't ever find a mixer it fit!
Your shovel and story are just great!!
Hugs, Lisa
what a great story about the shovel.. such a family treasure! precious!
happy VTT
I love the juicer. Funny that you keep it in your sewing room. I'm sure Ethel is very pleased with the way you are taking care of her precious shovel and rolling pin. I hope I'm like Ethel.
Oh... I feel as though I somewhat know Aunt Ethel now. I've never known anyone that polished their tools after each use, not even my dad!
It's so nice to have you, I can't wait to read more and see more. Thank you for the visit!
A great story. I do enjoy hearing about what another generation was like. She would be pleased that you have those things and treasure them.
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