I welcome any and all questions and always invite customers to please ask for any help they might need along their stitching way.
I even get questions about how to stitch other designers patterns and I help when I can.
Recently, it was brought to my attention that perhaps the instructions for creating/tracing the background scallop needs to be more specific. I’ve done literally hundreds of these scallops in so many different shapes and sizes that it’s a simple, non-thinking process for me but I do have to keep in mind that those of you who are new to this might not find it so easy.
So, I’m here, right now, to make this step-by-step and easy!
Tear off a sheet of freezer paper that will be large enough to fit the entire background shape …usually about 15” square or so.
For my patterns, I try my best to have the background shape printed on a legal size sheet of paper( 8.5” x 14”) so that the shape only needs traced twice for the background.
Trace the shape onto your freezer paper.
The wool is too thick to be able to cut it accurately that way. The pattern needs to be laid out on a single thickness of wool.
Take the little bit of extra time and do this right!
So, flip your sheet of freezer paper to the opposite side …
If the pattern needs traced four times, just line up all four corners in the center to create the entire scallop.
This is why I always so highly recommend using freezer paper instead of just pinning the pattern onto the wool.
Wool stretches so easily, pinning the pattern and cutting just doesn’t give the accuracy that freezer paper gives. The freezer paper holds that wool tight so there’s no stretching. It’s especially good to use when a lot of detailed shape cutting is required … like my “Jingle Bell Candy Cane” pattern or the “Christmas Sugar Cookie” pattern. Those backgrounds have a lot of twists and turns so a tight holding freezer paper will give you accuracy when cutting.
The traced freezer paper shape can be used over several times too so one tracing can get you sometimes (depending on the wool) 4-5 uses before needed fresh freezer paper.
Ok, I really hope that helps to clarify the instructions for the backgrounds. As always, I welcome any suggestions that will help me to make your stitching easier.
Happy Day everyone!
Clear as a bell! Wonderful pictures and instructions. Thank you :)
Awesome! Thanks for the tutorial!
This was great! Can't wait for my patterns to come in!!! Woo hoo! Thanks also for the heads up on the tutorial on the snowman pattern I bought! :O) Have a great week! Bari Jo
I've had problems with my freezer paper sticking to the wool. :(
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