But yes indeed, we did go away for a few days. Hubby and I headed north, driving the back country roads of PA, stopping along the way at any place that looked interesting which included a LOT of thrift/Goodwill/Salvation Army stores.
Our GPS shows us where to find all the thrift stores in the area where we are traveling, so it's fun and easy.
We went as far as the Grand Canyon of Pa (beautiful) and then headed south a little and made our way back home, staying on country roads rather than major highways.
One of the highlights was stopping in a small village of Benzette, Pa. It's a really quiet, small community of ELK.
Yes, Elk roam the area freely ... grazing right out in the open in backyards and fields.
We were told to visit the area early in the morning right after sunrise or in the evening at dusk to see the elk. Those are the times that they come out of the woods to graze. However, we were there at about 4pm and easily spotted a herd of 6 in someones yard.
It's just amazing to see these large creatures.

We did see lots more that evening ... even larger than these. They don't run away like deer so it's very tempting to creep up close to them to get a picture, but signs all around warn us to keep our distance.
But how cool is that to live there and have these huge creatures visiting in your backyard? If I lived there, I'd be sure to feed them lots of goodies to keep them coming back .....

I could probably still be there, going through bags with her, finding wool.
I declined though, telling her that I was thrilled with this find. The price? 50 cents! I gave her a dollar though. I couldn't believe it .... 2 yards of wool fabric for $1 !
I declined though, telling her that I was thrilled with this find. The price? 50 cents! I gave her a dollar though. I couldn't believe it .... 2 yards of wool fabric for $1 !
Overdyed with some browns will make this wool oh sooooooo nice!

We bought lots of other things too ... just so much fun finding treasures.
So I'm back to sewing ... planning to Ebay list some things tomorrow ....
I have some good ideas in my head now too ... inspired by our vacation time away .. Can't wait to get started drawing them out!
Happy Day everyone!
Happy Day everyone!
I'm so glad you had nice time. I have missed you too but I won't leave you nasty notes! hehehe Can't wait to see what you've made now!
Hugs, Lisa
I often want to do that, take some back roads in Pa. at least you took the time to do it:) Glad you had a nice time:)
Welcome home! I had to laugh about you having a sister named Carol. I have a sister named Cathy! And another one named Wanda.
Nice find on the wool and that was very intersting about the elk. I didn't realize how BIG they are!
Love the cute little foot stool too.
Enjoy your weekend!
You wouldn't want to feed the elk ~ imagine how much they could eat in your yard (all your flowers, shrubs, etc). But they are fun to look at :)
Reading your blog is like having a morning cup of tea. If I don't have it, I miss it!
And ladies, My email wasn't that nasty! I just know how to "elk" out words to get Cathy goong on a tirade.
Little Michael's football game was nice. Thank heaven we are allowed to talk during the game. It would have been tremendously boring if we had to sit and actually watch the whole game!
Keep Bloging!
Casserole Carol
I found your blog through one of the ones I follow...can't tell you which one now. I am also from Pennsylvania, almost the very center of the state. My DH, kids and I drive out to Benezette a few times a year, okay we just started this in the past year...lol. It's about a 45 mile drive for us to Benezette and the quickest way is all back roads. It's a nice little trip for us! We have started packing a little picnic supper and heading out on Sunday evenings when we feel like it throughout the year. We eat at the lookout and watch for elk :)
The first time I was out there, we went camping with friends of ours...if you stopped at the Winslow Hill look out, there is a little log cabin on top of the hill and if you follow the road to that cabin, there is a field and the man who owns it rents it out on weekends. We camped there in the middle of rut (Mating season) last September. It was awesome listening to the bull elk bugle! And you see SOO many more elk then than any other time of the year!We are supposed to be going again this mid-September for another weekend :)
I have photos on my blog from our trips and I'm sure there will be many more to come!
Have a great day :)
Have been to Benezette and the Grand Canyon, also. Great find in the little thrift store! I mailed your train case today, watch for it!
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