I can't accept comments anywhere else but in THAT posting. Ok? Good. :)
I now have this candle mat pattern almost completed and ready to go for preorder sales.
This would look nice using wool felt too, for those of you who have difficulty finding the 100% wool.
I’ll have the special pre-order price of $8.00 (including shipping) for this until Tuesday evening. After that the regular price will be $9.50.
To preorder this, just click on the Paypal button which is under the CatTails of Love picture there on the left corner of this page.
If you wish to pay by check instead of paypal, just email me and I’ll send my address.
This special preorder price is good for all you international folk too. Shipping is included.
I should have this ready for mailing on Tuesday.
In other news, the grandson is sick with pneumonia now. It’s tough seeing him like this, but thankfully, Jen did see the warning signs and managed to politely force the doctor’s office to take him in to be seen late yesteday afternoon. The antibiotics should work quickly to get him back up and jumping about, like normal. He’ll be fine.
Poor thing just cuddled on my lap all afternoon yesterday.
Ok, so don’t forget to comment to enter for the penny rug and the pinkeep giveaway….
I’m keeping track of where everyone is from, just to see how many are from where. (the blue dots are those crazy Canucks)You can see, there are quite a few states that aren’t represented, so c’mon you people from Nevada and New Jersey and South Dakota etc. I’d love to see every state represented in this giveaway!
I’ve only watched the “Ellen” show a few times, but she’s doing a segment on her show where she’s trying to get world domination of her name. I want US domination for my giveaway. :)
That doesn’t sound too terribly egotistical, now does it? Ha!
Anyway, tomorrow, I will announce a way for all of you to get chances to get additional entries for the giveaway and it has to do with THAT MAP up there!
Comment in the post below this one for a chance to win the giveaways.
Ok, the pinkeep that I’ve shown for the giveaway …
The link to the posting where I show how I make the holes for this pinkeep is HERE .
I used to just use scissors, .. I’d mark the hole with a paper punch, cut an X in that, and then cut around the area. The hole punch will not work with the extra thick wool that I use to make these pinkeeps, so that was the only way. My husband let me try a special dye cutter tool that he uses at work. It works so much better and makes the job a lot easier. However, even with pressing hard and twisting back and forth, most times the hole still isn’t completely cut out, so I have to finish the job with scissors. The palm of my hand stays bruise for a week after doing just one of these. :)
Using thinner wool or even woolfelt would make this job a lot easier. I imagine that hole punchers, like those used in scrapbooking would work.
I have been asked about selling the pattern for this, and I actually do hope to create one, but I’d like to include in with the pattern, not just this pinkeep, but a lot of other things that can be made with this heart shape along with different detailing in the center.
Over the years, since I started making this lacey heart shape pinkeep, I’ve made not just pinkeeps like these …
I’ve made fridge magnets, a purse, wool mug rugs, lapel pins …
and candle mats
So anyway, I’d love to create one pattern that gives lots of different uses for the general design itself. I just need the time to recreate them all so that I can picture them all together.
I’m pretty sure that a regular hole punch would work for woolfelt so the pattern would just require woolfelt instead of the regular thick wool that I normally use.
In the meantime, the amazing and talented, Robin, from Bird Brain designs, has a similiar pinkeep as well as other darling heart pinkeeps on her website. so go here to take a look at them.
Her scalloped edged heart is very similar to mine but with different center details, so you could purchase that pattern and use some ideas from her site or mine to create your own pinkeeps. ..just don’t decide to make a pattern before me or else I’ll be forced to clobber you with a Qtip. :)
happy day everyone!
Wow, I think I am the first from South Dakota then! I immediately purchased the Tea For Me? pattern, thank you for sending me over to her website. Thank you for showing us your secrets, as you already know, I am a huge fan! I lurk here all the time. I am really hoping the pneumonia resolves quickly.
Oh it would be great to win another pin keep but I'd almost feel guilty for having so many!! Almost! hehe You are sweet to offer!!
Hugs, Lisa
Hehehe Canadians are everywhere! Which reminds me of a joke...lol
The Scarecrow Jack kit is available now I saw...but shipping is almost as much as the kit! Literally, it's 23.50. So no kit for me :(
Those kitties are cute!
Your make such pretty things. I would love to be entered to have a chance to win the lovely pin keep. I love that heart. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
Love the idea of showing which states have responded!
I love the Tea for Me rug and I've also ordered it. I love working with wool and am so glad so many patterns area available. Thanks for the hole punching information too.
Cath, your work is lovely and of course I would love to win but, first I would like to get the State of Kentucky represented on your map please. LOL!!! Have a nice day!
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