If you haven't already, go down to the other post or click this link to comment with your name and the state where you live. That will give you one chance to win either that Lacey Heart Pinkeep or the "Snow" penny rug.
I had said before that today I would offer y'all another chance for an additional entry to win this pinkeep.
Here's how:I'm going to plan a some vacation time for hubby and me. I need some ideas of where to go.
For an additional chance to win the pinkeep, in this post, tell me WHERE your favorite U.S. vacation spot is and WHY.
For the pinkeep winner, I will randomly draw a state first and then I will draw from the names who are represented in that state.
Your extra chance will be entered in whichever state you recommend for the vacation spot. Get it? :)
It has to be in THIS POSTING! Your other entry with your name and state where you live goes in the other posting.
I hope that's clear enough. :)
Here's my United States map as it looks this morning. ...
Each red dot is a reader comment for the giveaway.

Each red dot is a reader comment for the giveaway.
You can see from the map that I still need readers in quite a few states yet. So if you see that your state isn't represented, it's time to COMMENT with your state and who knows, you might win something nice!
For the pinkeep, I plan to draw a state name first and then draw the names of the people represented in that state for the win.
So if you are the only one in your state that commented, then you have a better chance than someone in say ... Ohio.
Drawing will take place at 10pm, eastern standard time, tomorrow night (Feb 1st)
PS ... I love you ladies and the few gents that read! You make my day every day. The comments and especially the emails that I get from some of you are just so much fun. I appreciate the kind words, the words of support, the comical cartoons, and of course the pattern orders. It's because of all the kindness that I feel the urgent need to at least try to give back a little in return. The best way is the giveaways. So don't thank me for this. I'm doing it for payback.
Our grandson is still really ill. He has pneumonia. He's on the road to recovery, but it's so heartwrenching to see him so miserable. If you can, give a child or someone a hug today for K please.
Happy Day everyone.
I haven't had any sn ow yet-I'd love some! And I would love the candle mat, too!
Karen in Texas
Hi Cath, My favorite vacation spot is Colorado. We spent a week long honeymoon in the Denver-Colorado Springs area last summer. The scenery is gorgeous. There was even snow on the top of
Pikes Peak in June.
Hope Kaiden is better today. Janice
I say anywhere that's warmer. Maybe Flordia,(by the ocean) soak up some sun, get some re-energizing. These winters get tougher each year. Think warm!!!!
My favorite vacation spot is Wildwood, New Jersey. We live in W. PA so it's only a 8 hour drive for us. It has become the entire family's favorite traditional vacation. We go for 2 weeks every summer. The beach is very clean, the boardwalk is full of stores to shop for souvenirs, places to eat and games for the kids. They also have a few piers with amusement rides. We've been going to Wildwood for the last 24 years.
Oh dear, I do hope your Kaiden is feeling better soon!! Love your designs, glad to know you are going to take a holiday! I have always wanted to go to North Carolina, I heard there are really artistic people there!!!
Margaret B
So sorry to hear Kaiden is so sick! It is worse than being sick yourself when a little one is sick. Our little cupcake is not feeling well. She plays awhile and eats a little and sleeps. It's a three hour rotation. Poor baby! I have the boys today. Being snowed in it has been nice to have them across the street.
I have never been but really want to visit the Pacific North West. Some where in Washington State! I think it would be great and so different from NC. That's my pick!!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi again and my favorite vacation spot is the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Love the ocean and beach.
My favorite vacation spot is Lake George, NY. I love the scenery & there is a lot of things to do. If you like mini golf there are many places for that! My kids enjoyed it too.
My favorite vacation spot is Florida! Mind you I haven't been to many places, but the gulf beaches there are so beautiful! It's been 23 years since I was there last and I'd really love to get back there before I'm too old to enjoy it! Thanks for the second giveaway! :0)
I'll pray for Kaiden. I have two little boys and it is hard to see them sick. Esp. when they are so sick it alters their personality.
My favorite place to vaca. is at my folks house in Florida. They live near Tampa and are surrounded by people from the east coast. (I'm originally from the Philadelphia area so it is nice to hear the accents!) I don't know if my parents would let you stay with them, but I have shown my mom your work and she thinks it's beautiful:)
Sorry to hear about the grandson, sending warm thoughts your way. My all time favorite vacation spot is house-boating on Lake Powell, it borders Northern Arizona, Southern Utah. Very relaxing!
Good Morning Cath,
My favorite place to vacation is Fort Meyers Beach in Florida. The island is Estero Island on the Golf of Mexcio. We stay right on the beach in a condo on the quiet side of the island. Clean white sandy beach, warm water and the most beautiful sunsets...that's my kind of vacation. I'm ready to go right now. LOL
I hope Kaiden is feeling better.:)
Well as far as choosing a vacation spot, that depends on when you want to go. If you want to go some place warm with excellent beaches, I would suggest Maui Hawaii! If you are driving or want something less expensive I would say why not North Carolina! The Biltmore Estate in Asheville,NC is supposed to be the Largest Estate in the U.S. You can tour it. It has vineyards and gardens as well that can be toured. I've only been there once and gone on one of the many tours they have. Next time we go I would spend more time there in order to see more. Asheville is close to the Mountains and they have lots of arts and crafts areas in local towns. The Blue ridge parkway is a must if you want to see some beautiful views.
I hope your grandson is doing better!! Poor little guy.
Well, it depends on what type of vacation you are looking for. We vacation is a two areas yearly for what they have to offer and then we try to fit in a new place.
So, yearly we go to Cape Cod--it is for the beaches, the food, the quilt shops and the total relaxation walking on the beach, taking pictures and more relaxing! We go to Vermont for the fishing on Lake Champlain and the relaxing, water and again relaxing. We then try to go somewhere new each year for the educational/historical pleasure and to instill some of that in our children......So, enjoy!
I hope your grandson continues on the road to recovery! My son has had a few extra hugs! Take care and good health--you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I've only been to the USA a handful of times... I've been in Flordia, Maine, NY, and NJ... I'd say my favourite place that I visited is Maine :)
I loved NYC and all the flashy lights but treat yourself to a Main vacation!!!! Get a cozy cabin, go skidooing, skiing, snowshoeing... find a new love for real snow! That's what I would do.
P.S. I'll keep your grandson in my thoughts today. I had pneumonia as a teen and it's not fun! I can empathize with him!!!
That is a hard one. I haven't been to all that many states. Appalachia is beautiful, and covers several states. Pigeon Forge (or is it Ford?) right on the border of Tenn, and NC, and very close to SC, is beautiful. And they have a big quilt festival every March I think it is. The mountains are wonderful and there is all sorts of outdoor activities.
My favorite vacation spot is Door County, Wisconsin - for a lot of reasons, first it's in my home state and I am sooo homesick :(
Door County is up on the peninsula of Wisconsin. Best times to visit are late spring through summer or in the fall when the colors are awesome!!! Lots of coastlines, state parks, lighthouses, shoppes, great regional eating, fruit orchards - the list is endless!! From camping to resorts, it's a great place to visit :)
One of my favorite U.S. vacations spots in the U.S. is Bar Harbor/Arcadia Park in Maine. The best time to go is in early fall, after kids are back in school and things are not so busy. Great hiking and rocky beaches.
Prayers for Kaiden's recovery Cathy.
I visited my parents in Arizona once when they were 'snowbirding'.
It sure was a wonderful break from a cold Canadian winter. Maybe you should head there Cath. Cheers.
Hi Cath, Sorry to hear Kaiden is feeling so poor, hope he gets better soon. It's interesting reading all the posts on NC and Fl as vacations spots. We lived in Fl for 45 years and in-laws live in NC so have visited all of the places mention--they are great! But now that we live in Oregon, my choice would be anywhere in the NW. The coast is so wild and beautiful unlike anything you've seen on the east coast. The mountains offer hiking, snowboarding and skiing. And mostly there are so many quilt shops you couldn't begin to visit them all. Marie in Oregon
I suggest a vacation to the Charleston, SC area for a winter break. The city is lovely and there are beaches galore in the area. This isn't my favorite vacation spot but that one is likely to be cold and snowy for the next few months! Fun giveaway entries!!!
New England in the fall..... up the coastline from Mass. into NH, part of Vermont and into Maine. The warm days and crisp air in the evening and the smell of the leaves.
Love the wonderful items you've made!!
Hi! My favorite place to vacation is a very tough choice. Being an Air Force wife, I've been many places! My absolute favorite place is the United Kingdom because my son was born there, we lived there for 14 years, and my BEST friend in the world lives there and I miss her!
But, you definitely said a State! So, I will choose New Mexico. It has wonderful temps and the most fantastic sunsets in colors that even Walt Disney can't duplicate...just breathtaking!! Wide open spaces with several mt. ranges in the background. You can choose low plains, high mt. desert and snow-capped mts! A little bit of everything! And probably best of all the people are genuinely nice and still look you in the eye. It's a great place to regroup and renew one's being.
I do hope Kaiden is feeling better soon!
Mary in VA
One place I'd like to go on vacation again is Savannah, Georgia. It's very pretty and historical. If you go, be sure to take one of the Ghost Tours - very entertaining. We went in April, and it was already hot and muggy, so I think about March would be a good time. Have fun on your vacation!
Anywhere in southern Louisiana is a interesting and fun place to be. We lived there in the late 80's while the Mister finished college.We went back last year, after over 20 years to New Orleans during Marti Gras. Ahhh the fun we had.
I love going to New Jersey, someone special lives there and we always spend a week in Wildwood...
Florida is always a great place to visit. Disney World and beaches.
UHHHHH! How about some vacation time with MEE?!
I got the short end of the stick on vacations....
Aww Rachel. :) I love you! I didn't think a 21 year old would want to go on vacation with her parents. Of course we'll take you ... in fact, let's leave daddy at home and go somewhere ourselves! :)
I'm 20, and if it's free, I'll go anywhere (obviously why I'm still going to Brazil...), unless it's to see elk.
Let's go on a cruise. Caribbean, whooo!
So, I see that I'm the only one representing the good ol' state of Washington, so I better make this comment a good one!
I would have to say that my favorite place to vacation is right here on MY own island. I live on Whidbey Isand, which has been deemed the longest island in the continental U.S.Now I don't brag to everyone all the time about my island, because I like to keep it a secret, especially from the Californians who like to move up here in droves.But I can trust you. You won't move here, just come to visit, right? Then your welcome!!! I'll even set you up in our spare bedroom!;)
I noticed that one reader said that Savannah is her favorite. Funny, because I just returned from there last night. My daughter just gave birth to our first grandson! (See my blog to see the most beautiful baby in the world)Savannah is nice, but it's got nothin' on my Island.
Hi Cath,
My most favorite spot is the Gunflint Trail in northern Minnesota. My next favorite spot is Oregon! Hubby and I feel deprived when we can't get to Minnesota at least once a year.
Best Regards,
Cat Tales
I'd have to say that my favorite place to vacation is Estes Park, Colorado. The Stanley Hotel is magnificent and Rocky Mountain National Park is always a great adventure.
HI again! I am Sharon and I live in Colorado! My favorite vacation spot is Williamsburg, VA! History is alive there!
oh Hug Kaiden for us! hope he feels better soon!
Our favorite spot for vacation is the beaches of Maine...my husband is from Maine we live in NH...the ocean is so refreshing...nothing like sun and ocean waves...sandy beaches and flip flops!
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